Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Video on Gluten! and the Gluten free Challenge!

I found this video by Dr. Mark Hyman. It is very informative and if you think you or someone you know may suffer from a gluten intolerance then you should watch this.  He lays out nicely the problems gluten can cause and the issues it can bring along with it.

If after watching the video you are really feeling like you have an issue with gluten, I challenge you to go without gluten for 2 to 4 weeks.  I had done this when I first started suspecting I had an issue.  Over this past Christmas I went back to gluten and the effects were disastrous, proving that I in fact had an issue.  YOU are worth this experiment!  I use to think I ate so healthy and yet I was killing my digestive system everyday by just eating a slice of whole wheat bread!  If  you go a month without and then eat gluten and feel fine then you are probably suffering from something else, but if you have the opposite happen then you know what you have to do.  Going without gluten might seem daunting but I would rather be without gluten and healthy than have a bagel and suffer.  Plus their are so many wonderful products out now! Just browse you supermarket and you will see how much wonderful gluten free products they have now! Even cake mix! So don't worry it is not the end of the world....you owe it to yourself to at least try it, right? I think you do :-)

I would love to hear if you think you have an issue and are up to my challenge! Please post any results you find or challenges you face.  I would love to help.  I am just starting my new journey of being without gluten so I am here for support.

Peace, Love and Eat Well,


  1. I'm glad to see that this is working for you! I think I should give it a try. I have had digestive problems all my life. The doctors also diagnosed me as lactose intolerant and having IBS. Also, Acid Reflux Disease, but no medicine works. I think I will take you up on this challenge! Thanks!!

  2. ALL RIGHT! I am hear if you have any questions! Sounds like you are def. a candidate for this issue. I would love to be able to get a lot of people to do this and talk about their results...let me know how it goes!
