I am ending my first week of being completely gluten free and let me tell you, I COULDN'T FEEL BETTER! I have so much energy! In fact I shoveled my entire driveway twice by myself, then made a nice big dinner for me and my husband! I still have a lot of healing that needs to happen in my gut, after-all I am repairing my life's worth of eating gluten. The true test will be my first healthy BM. Yes you read that right BM as in Bowel Movement. Before you go closing out my blog in disgust, remember we all poop. It is just a fact of life :-) Did you know that your BM's are suppose to float? (Just an Update for those who have read this post, I have now changed my opinion on the floating poo, I was finding so many conflicting articles but I have finally found out what the deal with it is, If you poop floats then you are eating a lot of fat. It is not necessarily a bad thing but if it happens more than once or twice a week then you might want to lower your fat intake. Since I have never had one I suppose I do not eat that much fat. Which I have been trying to eat more of lately. fats such as coconut oils, avocado and nuts. )yeah well I didn't either and mine never has. NEVER. This is of great concern to me. So the day I have a healthy one, I will be having a PARTY that I am finally healed. A poop party if you will. ( I suppose I can have my poop party now, because apparently I do not need to be as worried as I was before, phew! But still it does tell you a lot about how your body is responding to what you are feeding it.)
Alright I will stop with the poop talk but really in all seriousness take a look at yours, it will tell you a lot about how you are digesting what you are eating. In fact I always thought I ate so healthy, so it was a shock to me to find out how unhealthy I really was due to my digestive issues.
My hormone issue will also take time to heal and the test will be getting a normal predictable cycle, fewer breakouts, and less tiredness. As far as the tiredness I started my cycle 2 days after being gluten free (coincidence? I think not) and have had more energy than any other cycle I have had! Usually I crave chocolate and salty snacks and am out for the count. But I have had no cravings and have had plenty of energy! So this is very exciting.
My next step is just finding balance in what I am eating. I found that this week I was taking in way to much fiber, which was hard on my stomach at times. I really want to get back to my vegan diet, but for right now I have to stick with the Pescatarian diet of eating fish, farm fresh eggs, local dairy products, some organic soy, organic vegetables and fruits, nuts and gluten free grains. Right now this balance seems to work and every time I mess with it my body feels it. I still eat mostly vegan but incorporate dairy and wild fish here and there. Hopefully I will find the balance soon, it will take time to find my way with it all.
I have heard a lot of people tell me on my Facebook page about thinking they have similar issues, have you tried going gluten free yet? Let me know if I can help get you started on your journey. It is a big one to take, considering we Americans ingest gluten in so many of the different products we eat. It is worth trying though. I fully believe you are what you eat! Take care of your body and your body will take care of you back.
Peace, Love and Eat Well,
I agree totally Ashley. If you have an intolerance to anything, then why self torture by consuming even some of what bothers you. If you have a lactose intolerance for example, would you consume foods containing lactose until you get reach the point where you get sick from it? Why put yourself through that to any extent? We are lucky we live in a time where diabetics can get good food sugar free, lactose intolerant people can get milk and dairy products free of lactose and gluten intolerant people can get many food items without gluten. With the plethera of these foods available now on the market why not try eliminating gluten and see if it makes a difference in how you feel? If it does I think you'd know it and would have your answer.
ReplyDeleteFor anyone who is concerned about their health and feel that gluten is the culprit this article might shed some light for you, as to whether or not you need to take action in your diet.
ok, so I am finding a lot of conflicting articles on the floating poop issue, some say it is healthy and some say it is not. Does anyone have any SOLID evidence on this? Which one is it? :-/
ReplyDeleteso what is the deal with gluten? I mean is it in ovaltine?
ReplyDeleteDear anonymous, gluten is a type of protein that is in most grains, such as wheat. People that have a wheat allergy, celiac disease or gluten intolerance cannot process gluten and it can be very harmful to the digestive system. I did some research for you and it looks like gluten is in ovaltine in a barley malt form.