I have been absent for almost a month! Sorry readers! Things have been super busy at the Knight residence. We are getting ready for summer and have been super busy preparing the garden. The garden prep is going so well this year! I was sitting on my couch this morning with my pup and started reflecting on last years garden. Last year we had an amazing harvest! Full of wonderful veggies, all we had to do was step outside and grab what we wanted and plan our meal. We ate a lot of raw dinners last summer. We had an abundance of zucchini (probably will plant less this year), we were overwhelmed with them! Not only did we have a lot but they were ginormous! I had to start being clever about how we ate these things because we were starting to get over run, we even walked around our neighborhood and gave a bunch away! One of my favorite meals with zucchini was zucchini pasta! I took my peeler and went to town. The "noodles" sort of looked like linguine. Paul (my husband) gave me some odd looks when I was peeling them but once he tasted it he loved it! I made some marinara sauce with our own tomatoes and this was a yummy meal all from our backyard!
This once zucchini fed us for three meals! |
Some of our other zucchini meals included;
Raw Zucchini soup perfect for a hot summer night! |
Eating raw is wonderful in the summer time especially when you have a garden full of wonderful veggies! I have been eating warm/hot meals all winter so I am ready for the abundance and variety of vegetables summer will bring us! This year however; we will cut back on the amount of zucchini we plant!
Paul has just built us a compost and has doubled the size of our garden from last year! I cannot wait to get my hands in the dirt everyday! Gardening is very therapeutic for me and I cannot wait to start our little seedlings!
Last years little guys! Screaming for more sun! |
We will start them beginning of May, with a lot of different things this year, like popcorn! I love popcorn, we buy bulk organic popcorn now but to be able to have it from our own yard would be amazing! speaking of which I should probably order that huh?! YIKES!
Alright well I will leave you for now. You know I was actually going to post a blog about some banana ice "cream" I made today. Hmmmmm it is amazing how your mind takes over sometime. It was like I had no control, I guess my head is in the garden! I will post my banana ice "cream" recipe soon, this one is too good not to share!
Do you have a garden? What are you planting?
Peace, Love and Play in the dirt!
OMG I am so excited I saw this! I am dying to make a kale, zucchini raw soup! I might have to get that Raw cook book. I am new to the RAW-volution but I love the concept and how natural the food is! My body feels so good after a "Raw" meal!
ReplyDeleteJessica it was so yummy! I basically lived out of the cook book last summer! I highly suggest it! Raw meals make me feel great too and summer is such a great time to play around with raw foods! I have to have cooked food in winter though!